Real Pine. Real Easy.

What Is End Matched Wood?
Why Does It Matter?

End Matched Lumber

At Johnson Pine, we end-match all of our premium pine boards, saving our customers time and money. End matching is the precise trimming on both ends of all board material with a tongue and groove profile. Without end matched boards, every board must be trimmed on-site. This increases job time and greatly increases waste (which then has to be removed from the job site). Instead, our boards come pre-finished and end matched; meaning this work is already done for you!

Our locally sourced pine boards are end matched right here in the Johnson Lumber Mill. Our pre-finished wall and ceiling boards are all end matched to ensure that you can use all of the lumber you buy from us. With our precise tongue & groove end matching, each board fits snuggly and securely together for that perfect lock-in fit. The EZ-Lock Pre-Finished Pine System makes for fast pine installations, with virtually no trimming necessary.


Lower Costs of End Matching Estimates

End Matching can actually save you money on your project estimates. This is due to both the increased speed of the project and the reduced wood waste. Because there is little trimming necessary, and our boards lock right into place, the on-site time necessary to groove the boards is gone. Plus, you get to use all of the board – less waste means you get more for your money. Lastly, clean-up is easy – no big piles of sawdust or trimmings to pick up.

Because of End Matching, our suggested waste calculations are lower than the standard 10%. Our Pine Experts generally suggest customers plan for only 3% to 5% overage in their lumber order for error and waste.


How Is End Matching Achieved?

Our pre-finished department runs our tongue and groove boards through our state-of-the-art automatic end-matcher prior to pre-finishing with our signature clearcoat and/or stain.


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